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(Back in Action!)

The Minneapolis League is Back In Action for winter!  


Interested in Checking out league?


Come Join us on tuesdays or 

Email us at  

JB River.jpg

2024 Proposed Winter League



7-8 Week Schedule running from 1/14 to 3/4


Week 1: Kick Off (all teams present) week 1/14

Weeks 2-7: Regularly season; 1 match per week (1/21-2/25)

Week 8:  3/4 Playoff Finale


Minneapolis Foos League

is back for Winter 2025


The league is playing on Tuesdays from  Jan 14th - March 4th!


Come check it out!  Join a team!


Guest foosers are welcome to join us any particular Tuesday this season and we'll 'pick you up off waivers.'  


Please contact Skip at if you're interested in being involved in the fall league or any future league season.  



How it works...

Each week, league teams of 3-5 players face off against one other league team in 9 events. (Final week playoffs/finals).



$5 table fee per player for unlimited play each Tuesday night  No other league dues



Doubles (2 rounds)

Singles (2 rounds)

Rollerball Round Doubles and Singles (1 round)

Johnny Lott Doubles (1 round)

Goalie Wars (1 round)

Team Roto (1 round)


Beginners/Rookies welcome!!!

-Point and Skill Handicaps to keep games fun and competitive

- Team Handicaps: to keep teams balanced

Max Points for team of 3: 7 pts

(e.g. 2 experts and a beginner)

Max Points for team of 4: 9 pts

(e.g. 2 experts, an amateur and a beginner)



How to Register: 

- Interested in joining the league?  We can help you join a team or form your own!  

- Interested in forming a team for a future league season?  Curious about the league, but would like to learn more? 

- Interested in being on our list of substitute players?



Interested?  Questions?  Contact Skip at or PM on facebook.  



Feel free to share the Winter Foosball League Flyer with your networks.  


Teams will be recruiting and being formed through January 14th after that, any new player is welcome to join as a guest for any week and we'll be start a list for spring recruiting too.


Spring Season: Tentative 3/25 - 5/20

Pitchers and catchers report on 3/18    



To join the league, email us at

Winter League Flyer.png

Handicap Points List Winter 2025:


                        Player                     Handicap                                                 

Team 1: Foos the Boss                    (team avg: 2.2)

                       Jack                           1

                       Dave P                       4

                        Joe S                         3

                        Benji                         2

                       Norris                        2

                       Swerve                       1


Team 2: Mixed Nuts                     (average: 1.8)

                        Carlos S                    3

                        Olivia                        1

                        Eddie                        2

                        Nate P                      2

                        Brittany                      1​​​​​


Team 3: The Hurricanes              (team avg: 2.2)

                        Josh                         3

                        Adarsh K                  3

                        Jerry R                      2

                        Kelly                        2

                        Connor                    1​



Team 4: 5 Bar Blues              (team average: 2)

                        Skip S                  5

                        David R                1

                        Jacob R                1

                        Tom N                 2

                        Ian                      1




Undrafted Free Agents

(available as subs and guest members)

Jim F                         3

Jordan                       4

Mike T                      2

Darrick K                   2

Spencer                    4

Wayne                     3

Rose                         1


Handicap Points List Fall 2024:


                        Player                     Handicap                                                 

Team 1: Frequency Grease   (team avg: 2.2)

                        Spencer                     4

                        Joe S                         3

                        Benji                         2

                        Jack                          1

                        Darrick K                   2


Team 2: Eddie and the Cruisers          (average: 2)

                        Carlos S                    3

                        Eddie                        1

                        Rose                         1

                        Nate P                      2

                        Dave P                     3                        


Team 3: Where's Jordan?              (team avg: 2.4)

                        Jordan P                   4

                        Adarsh K                  3

                        Terry P                      2

                        Jerry R                      2

                        Connor                    1​



Team 4: The Half & Half's              (team average: 2)

                        Skip S                   4

                        David R                1

                        Jacob R                 1

                        Tom N                  2

                        Norris                   2





Handica Pts

Foos League Formats:
The Foosball League will include a variety of styles of play. 
Rules for Doubles and Singles will largely abide by ITSF rules.  The rules for some of the specialty formats are below.  The main rule we will relax is talking during play when the ball is not being advanced and your team has the ball (no advancement within 1 second of talking).  If you want to compliment someone's shot before you resume play, go for it.    
-- Goalie Wars --
Goalie Wars is a singles specialty event where the three-man and five-man rods are lifted and the player shoot against each other from the goalie positions.
Possession - A player is deemed in possession of the ball when it’s within reach of the goalie rods.
- During play, if the ball goes off the table or becomes dead between the two-man rods, it will be put back into play by the opponent of the player who had the last possession.
- If the ball goes dead in the goalie area, it shall be put back into play from the goalie area of where the ball went dead.
- A ball that strikes any rod, player figure, or bumper in the center of the table is still considered to be in play. These rods do not affect possession of the ball.
Time Limits -  Once the ball is put into play, the player has a ten second time limit to advance the ball. If the ball stops for more than three seconds, or is pinned for more than one second, it must touch another player figure before it may be legally advanced. Violation of any part of this rule is loss of possession to the opposing player. 
--  Johnny Lott’s Revenge  -- (‘Touch-2’)                                         
Ball Advancement: 5 bar moving ‘pass’ rule applies to all rods for all ball advancements (clearing, passing and scoring).  That is, to advance the ball from a stopped or pinned position, the ball must be put in motion and hit a second man.  Standard set 1 man shots and passes are illegal.  Set shots would require at least two-touches (kick shots).  Pushes, pulls and dinks could still be done while appropriately in motion.
Time Limits: Once the ball is put into play, the player has a ten second time limit to advance the ball.
--  Rollerball --  (2016 version of ITSF's Rules)
Ball in Play: The ball must be in continuous motion during play. Once the ball has been put into play, it may not be stopped or in possession of any player figure for more than one second. If the ball contacts a player figure and is not directly advanced within one second, it must touch another player figure on the same rod, or side wall, within one second.
Pinning the Ball: If the ball is pinned, it may be advanced by the same player figure if done within the one second time limit.
Time of Possession: The time of Possession shall be 5-Seconds for ALL rods. The goalie rods are considered one rod. The time of possession is suspended when the ball is not within reach of any player figure. During the serve or when resuming play, the time limits begin when the ball touches the second player figure. During play, time begins when the ball is either controlled or in a position to be controlled.
Ball off the Table: If a player causes the ball to go off the table, play shall resume at the opposing goalie rods. If unclear, the player with the last clear possession is deemed to have caused the ball to go off the table. Arial shots are legal provided no other rules are violated to perform the shot.
Time Outs: Teams may take two 15-second time outs per game. Time outs are only allowed between points or between games. Time outs are not allowed while the ball is in play, however, an Official Time Out may be called to request a referee or to call a foul.
Passing: All passes from one rod to any other rod is considered legal.
-- Team Doubles --
Player Positions: The format is played with standard doubles rules, with the following exceptions. 
- Team members rotate in (and out) of playing positions upon a score by the opposing team.
- When a team is scored upon, their goalie moves to forward, their forward moves to the back of the rotation, and the player at the front of the rotation waiting in the wings moves to goalie.
- All members of the team are involved in the rotation.
- No player substitutions during time-outs. 
- The order of the initial line-up/rotation is up to the Team Captain.

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