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Tournament Results

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------ Thanksgiving Eve DYP 2024 Results ------


Players were in town from all over the region, from Duluth, River Falls, St. Cloud, Stillwater, and Fort Wayne Indiana! We lost Brian P from Appleton to an odd-man miscommunication, but we hope to see you again.



DYP Results:

25 teams

1st: Jacob B/Nate O
2nd: Tristin H/Bill H
3rd: Jared W/Carlos S
4th: Tom E/Skip
5th/6th: Campbell M/Whales
5th/6th: Seth N/Aaron K
EB/Jerry R
Luke B/Adarsh
Victor/Dave P
John W/Scott L
Jordan P/Myles M
Brazil/Mike T
Paul M/Tom N
Maertz/Jim F
Bill W/Alison C
Erkan/Tom D
Sean H/Joe S
Mike E/Kelly M
Chris M/Gene O
L-Bob/Melissa G
Hembde/Clif H

A number of tough teams were drawn up among this field of 8 pros, over ten state champs, and about a dozen sandbaggers! . But when Jacob and Nate drew each other for the second time in four years, the field questioned whether their rabbits feet were as strong as Jacob and Nate's. 

Multiple teams gave them a battle, with a number of matches going to the third game and Jared and Carlos putting them in the elimination bracket to make it interesting, but JB and Nate wouldn't give up on their second chance to win the big draw, and ended the night with 6 straight game wins and the big $$. Congrats to them both and to Jacob on being the first player to win this event three straight years!*


  • (MN Foos historians feel free to fact check me on this one).

Highest placing Beginner: Adarsh K

Jedi Master Partner: Luke B


We were a little generous with our conception of 'beginner' this year; maybe a two horse race between Kelly and Mike T would've been fair too, but we had a six player field vying for the trophy. Both Mike T and Tom N made it into the top 16 teams, but Adarsh, with Luke's leadership (yes I said Luke), made it two rungs further to the elite 8. Congrats to you both. Beginner no more Adarsh!


Road tripper Promotion Prize Winners:

Brazil - Blaine

Whales - Stillwater

Victor and Ringo - St. Cloud


This new promotion where we collected everyone's town they came from allowed for a different way to compete in the bracket and some fun stats:


Number of towns represented: 36

Number of towns with multiple players: 8

Highest turnout in metro: Mpls - 5

Highest turnout outside of the metro: Duluth - 3

St Cloud was drawn for the big prize, but both Victor and Ringo made it to the same place on the bracket so they split the prize.


Thanks to all the help I had running the show and all you players being so prompt and conscientious, we ran this event as smoothly as I can remember in 15 years of playing it and 8+ years of running it.


Of course a huge thanks goes to Jessie D for being the best bracket-runner in the game. Thanks to John W and Jessie for help with sign ups, Scott L and his crew for help with the 5th table (this was a huge weight off my mind and back!), and the dozen or so players that offered help big and small. What a great crew!


A final thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to both our 50 attendees and all our players, friends and family that support this Foos community. Have a great holiday weekend and I hope to see many of you at the historic return of the Minnesota Cup 2024 a week from Saturday on 12/7. I've heard of at least 4 teams already in development. This could get good!


-- Results from Jimmy's Pro Billiards --


--- Beginner/Amateur and Monster Draw Results ---



Beginner/Amateur Monster Draw:

9 players

1st: Adarsh/Tom N

2nd: Jerry/Jim F


With: Bill H, David R, Demetrius, Dave P, and Terry P

We've all been excited to see Adarsh grow his game this year. His rise to Beg/Am dominance means he'll be handicapped with the top dogs from here on out in those events. Great playing!


We'll plan another Beg/Am tourney for the last Saturday in February.


Open Monster Draw

14 players

1st: Skip/Tom N

2nd: Adarsh/Cole

3rd: Saida/Jim F

With: EB, Jerry, Justin F, Dave P, Amanda, Terry P, Bill H and Benji

Guest Fooser: Joe S

Congrats on the Sweep for Tom N and his first open draw win! You have really sharpened your game this year and we know there'll be more success to come!


What a week of MN Foos!

5 straight days of public events (even bracketing pick up games and house games)

Tuesday: 20 people at Jimmy's Leagues

Wednesday: 12 people at the Jimmy's Monster Draw

Thurs: 22 people at Benton Station's draw

Friday: 24 people at The Buff's first tourney in Big Lake

Saturday: 17 people across two events at Jimmy's!


Tons of Foos opportunities. Join in the fun! Invite new friends and Famous ol Foos Friends.


Let's Go!!!


Foos this week:

Wednesday: Monster Draw at Jimmy's

Thursday: Foos Academy Practice at Jimmy's

Fri-Sun: Shell's Foos Experience in New Ulm

Saturday: Monster Draw at Jimmy's 7:30 pm

See you on the table!


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