68 different players participated in MN Monthly events since July, (with an impressive 48 different players placing in an event!);
The Players:
Adam S, Ben T, Bob T, Brad S, Brandon A, Chad K, Chris M, Clif H, Dan D, Dan V, Dave G, Dave P, Deb PK, Don P, Doug M, Eric B, Gary B, Gene O, Ira K, Jared W, Jason B, Jeff J, Jim F, Jim W, John S, John W, Jordan P, Josh N, Justin F, Justin K, Keith N, Kim K, Lachland K, Luke B, Matt H, Matt Hemb, Melissa G, Mike E, Mike P, Mike R, Mike V (ID), Mo A, Nate O, Nate W, Neil S, Nick E, Phil N, Rick B, Roger L, Ron V, Skip S, Spencer W, Steve M, Stu S, Terry W, TJ T, Tom B, Tom D, Tom H, Tony M, Tony S, Tony W, Tristin H, Valeri G, Wayne A, Wayne W, William W III, Zach S
A special thanks to the 19 players in bold who played in at least three monthlies this season (and the 19 others that played in two). Our large group of regulars keeps the MN Monthly the strongest regular tourney in the midwest.
The Tourneys:
July (23 players)
BYP Champs: Brad S/Nate O (10 teams)
Classic DYP Champs: Skip S/Ben T (11 players)
August (28 players)
BYP Champs: Nate W/Gary B (12 teams)
Singles Champ: Dan D (10 players)
Bar Hack DYP: EB/Nate O (7 teams)
September (16 players):
BYP Champs: Skip S/Tom B (8 teams)
MN Shuffle DYP Champs: William W III/John W (6 teams)
October (32 players)
BYP Champs: Dave G/John W (14 teams)
Draft Champs: William W III/Jared W (12 teams)
November (39 players)
BYP Champs: Dave G/John W (16 teams)
MN Cup Champs: John W, Dave G, Brazil, Tristin H (34 players; 7 teams)
DYP Champs: TJ T/Skip S (8 teams)
December (28 players)
BYP Champs: Tristin H/Nate W (13 teams)
Goalie Wars Champ: William W III (8 players)
Goalie's Delight DYP Champs: Nate W/Jeff J (10 teams)
MN Monthly Power Rankings:
Points system: BYP Placing: 1st: (5pts), 2nd: (4pts), 3rd: (3pts), 4th: (2pts)
Follow-Up Placing: 1st: (4pts), 2nd: (3pts), 3rd: (2pts), 4th: (1pt)
Interim Event Placing: 1st (3 pts), 2nd (2 pts), 3rd: (1 pt)
Ties go to the player with more 1st place finishes.
Power Rankings:
2018 July--Dec Power Rankings
1. John W (29)
2. Nate O (25)
3. Skip S (23)
4. William W III (21)
5. Nate W (20)
6. Ben T (15)
7. Dave G (14)
8. Tristin H (14)
9. Jeff J (14)
10. Krinkie (11)
2018 Year-End Rankings
1. John W (48; 19, 29)
2. William W III (48; 27, 21)
3. Nate O (47; 22, 25)
4. Skip S (38; 15, 23)
5. Krinkie (25; 14, 11)
6. Zach S (25; 17, 8)
7. Tristin (24; 10, 14)
8. Tom B (23; 16, 7)
9. Nate W (20; 0 20)
10. Wallis (20; 18, 2)
Of course these lists are a bit arbitrary (any points-based ranking system will be based on what it deems point-worthy), and it makes no claim to who the 'top' players are in MN (some of MN's top pro's weren't able to make it too much this year...or were even on injured reserve! Miss you Ringo!). But rankings are fun!
Some comments on the July-Dec List:
- As I mentioned above, 48 of the 68 players placed in some event or other in the last six months (giving them a rankings number), and 28 participated in a final! This is a great sign for the competitiveness of the events both due to the talent in the area and the diverse formats we run. The best players are rewarded with repeated success for their practice and skill, but the majority of players experience some success and even competing in a final if they keep attending.
- Local legends Dave G and Nate W were able to make a splash on the list after some big Nov and December appearances respectively. Welcome back to MN Nate! (All other foosers better bring their giant-slaying game.)
- Congrats to Jeff J on making the power rankings after his comeback to foos in 2016.
- I had my highest placing on the list thanks to some great partners! Thanks to Tom B for carrying me to my first Monthly BYP title since 2014, to TJ, Ben, and Dave P and more for carrying me to the $$$!
Regarding the Year-End List:
- Bill and Nate are local pro's in this town. They've been consistent placers and winners at the MN Monthly for years, both as a team and with separate partners in multiple events. Their going 2, 3 should be no surprise (and Bill shares the number 1 spot, losing the tie-breaker only based on 1st place finishes).
- The number one spot might seem like more of a surprise, but only to those that haven't been playing regularly in 2017. This was a big year for John on the foosball table. He had numerous wins (and winnings streaks) on the Wed and Fri draws, and that success extended into the MN Monthlies. As Dave G's, go-to local goalie, he's been known to have a few BYP wins each year, but in 2017, John excelled regardless of partner or position. He had additional BYP wins with Brad and Bill in the first half of the year, and as he refined his set snake (with various koozie wrist guards to fit any fashion) he took his forward game to another level. Always a tough defensive forward and 5-rod, his improved shot percentage now make him a forward-to-beat in any event. Congrats to John on a great year!
Thanks to all for your support as we moved the MN Monthly to a new home in Columbia Heights, and hence a bigger, better 2-venue foos scene in the Metro. We look forward to a foos-filled 2019!