25 players participated across 2 events last Saturday for the April Monthly, with cameos by Chad Z, John S, Doug M and Judd E. Great turnout from the East side!
BYP Results - 12 teams
1st: Tristin H/Tom B
2nd: Nate W/Brad A
3rd: Stu S/Rick B
4th: James R/Whales
Krink/Deb PK
William W III/Luke B
EB/Brad S
Mike M/Scott L
John W/Steve M
Skip S/Mike E
Zach S/Jared W
The top three teams were all last-minute confirmations . Rick and Stu ended up pairing as their planned partners fell through, Nate W found a partner last minute, and Tom B nearly didn't make it to the bring (forgetting the earlier start time....let that be a reminder to all to call/txt ahead or confirm online or with other players).
Lott's Revenge DYP Results - 6 teams
1st: EB/Tom D
2nd: Tom B/Luke B
3rd: William W III/Skip S
Zach S/Steve M
Wallis/Mike E
John W/Dave P
Congrats to Tristin, Tom B, EB, and Tom D on the win and to all the placers.
Thanks to Jimmy's and their staff for hosting the event. To EB for Co-TD-ing to John W for setting up the live feeds to watch the Vegas tourney, and to anyone else that helped the event run smoothly.
Trying to arrange teams for the Tuesday Spring League this week. Contact me if you'd like to be a part of it.
Hope to see you all at the Iron Cup 4/26 and 4/27 and the May Monthly 5/4.